Here comes Summer, a season with its own personality that brings along with it heat, brightness, sharpness, intensity and transformative nature. The qualities of summer in the atmosphere are due in part to the sun’s alignment with the earth as it plays its part in evaporating the moisture from the earth. This action causes an increase in Pitta (predominantly fire element) in our environment and in our minds and bodies.
Depending on what our personal constitutions and imbalances are, Summer may be kind to us, but it may also aggravate us. We may enjoy the heat and warmth from the summer rays and feel harmonious and balanced, but we may also experience some rather unpleasant occurrences such as; excessive sweating, heart burn, acid reflux, acne, blisters among others. Highly emotional folks may also experience increased irritability, restlessness and anger. The key is to listen to our minds and bodies, and make adjustments to seasonal changes with appropriate diet and lifestyle choices so that we can feel balanced and harmonious.
Remember mother nature changes around us and within us with each season, so we have compiled the following “Summer Tips List” to help you stay cool and collected during this fiery Summer season.
Summer aggravates pitta and our recommended routine is naturally a pitta-soothing one!
Morning Routine
Summer mornings are usually pleasant, so one should wake up early with the sun or by 6am, and brush the teeth with a bitter and astringent flavored toothpaste, made from herbs such as neem and mint. Bitter and astringent herbs pacify pitta and freshen the mouth. After brushing, scrape the tongue and follow with some oil pulling (take a mouthful of room temperature coconut oil and slowly swish it for a couple of minutes, before spitting it out in your compost bin!) After rinsing the mouth, drink a glass of warm or room temperature water. (1/2 a lime squeezed in is ok!)
Bitter Herbs & Ghee
Ghee is a pitta pacifying substance that is useful in summer and bitter ghee (ex tiktaka gritam) is especially cooling, as it contains a number of bitter herbs, including neem. Ayurvedic literature says that taking ½ teaspoon of bitter ghee on an empty stomach on summer mornings will improve digestive functions and control pitta dosha.
Staying Cool
People may show signs of low energy and tiredness, complaining of summer fatigue, which is a sign of excess pitta. Never sunbathe or have prolonged exposure to mid-day sunlight in the summer, especially if you are pitta prakruti or if you have multiple moles, as this can cause extreme pitta disorders, such as skin cancer.
How to practice cooling breath “Shitali Pranayama”
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